There’s a Simple Way to Stop Dangerous Wildfires. We Barely Use It.
Healthy Forests Provide Clean and Abundant Water
Steps Fire Science Programs
Returning Fire to the Land
Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Co-Op: Opportunities for Private Landowners
Prescribed Fire in Georgia: Frequently Asked Questions
Introduction to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems
Georgia’s Smoke Management Plan
Playing with Fire: Recreating Safely with Invasives in Sagebrush Country
Prescribed Fire in Georgia – A Strategic Plan 2008-2020
Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Brochure
Prescribed Burning in Southern Pine Forests
Healthy and Fire-Resilient Forest Management by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Forestry: Western Fires and Prescribed Fires
Tools and Information to Protect Your Property From Wildfires
Up In Smoke: Fire and Invasives on Western Rangelands
Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire
Fire Effects Information System
50 Fantastic Fire Science Resources
Fire Safety Guide Book
Keep tabs on wildfire activity via this U.S. Geological Survey website, GeoMAC.
Is Your Property Safe From Wildfire?
After the Fires - Hydrophobic Soils
Lack of prescribed burns fuels rise of megafires, ASU fire historian says
Wildfire and Vegetation Response to Climate Change
Lightning-Season Burning - Friend or Foe of Breeding Birds?
Reasons for Prescribed Fire in Forest Management
Sharpening the Tools for Prescribed Burns In Eastern Mixed-oak Forests
A Guide for Prescribed Fire in Southern Forests
Arbor Creek Forestry LLC
Bradley Williams
Bryan Rogers
Bulloch County Ranger
Camden County Ranger
Chatham County Ranger
Chloeta Fire Inc.
Christopher Roberts
Dan Singletary
David D. Johns
David S. Lewis
Earl D. Barrs, RF
Effingham County Ranger
Georgia Prescribed Fire Council
Gerald Green
Glynn County Ranger
Herbert Lamb
James I. Alfriend
Jamie Michaels
Joseph James
Ken Parker
Lamar E. Zipperer
Lawrence C. Hancock, III
Liberty County Ranger
Long County Ranger
Long Forestry Consultants
Mcintosh County Ranger
Nathan McClure, RF, CF
Peter W. NeSmith
S. Bryan County Ranger
Screven County Ranger
Shawn Cooper
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
Southern Fire Exchange
Steve Campbell
Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy
Wade E. McDonald, RF
Walker Rivers
William (Billy) R. Nelson, Jr.
Aaron Burton
Aaron Murphy
Alex Nixon
American Forest Management
Andrew L. Boutwell
Attala Forest Management
Azelis Agricultural & Environmental Solutions
Barry D. Shiver
Barry McGaughey
Ben Jackson
Brooks C. Mendell, Ph.D.
Bulloch County Forester
Camden County Forester
Charles L. VanOver
Charles Saunders
Chase Hall
Chatham County Forester
Christie Hawley
Christopher Ingalls
Dan Wiersma
Danielle Atkins
David A. Ferrell
David Combs
David Hornsby
David James
David Morris
David T. Foil
Derek Daugherty
Dexter Strother
Dixie Contractors
Doug Hall, RF
Dr. Phil Dougherty
Drew Harvey Williams
Dwight Stewart
Effingham County Forester
Forest Landowners Association
Forest Resource Consultants
Frank M. Riley, Jr.
Gary Bratton
Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry
Georgia Forestry Association
Georgia Forestry Commission
Glenn Settles
Glynn County Forester
Green Diamond Resource Company
Greg Smith
Guy J. Thurmond, III
Irenee Payne
J. Blake Sullivan
James A. McLeod
James B. Lanier, Jr.
James B. Thompson, Sr.
James Simons
Jason Alexander
Jason McGee
Jason Waddell
Jeff Main
Jeffrey D. Williams
Jib Davidson
Joan Scales
John Hurlebaus
Jonathan E. Burt
Kendra Wiard
Kenneth Durand
Kraig Jones
Lanier J. Edwards
Liberty County Forester
Long County Forester
Luke Penney
Lyndell Davidson
Maddox Callahan
Mark McClellan
Mary Murphy
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Matt Olsavsky
Mcintosh County Forester
Michael Grant, ACF
Michael Huffman
Michael John Shelton
Mike Lesiak
Morgan Mellette
Nathan Fountain, RF
Nathan Kelvin Wheat
Norman McRae
North Bryan County Forester
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
R. Bryan Almand MAI
Randolph B. Jones, Jr.
Resource Management Service, Inc.
Richard E. Gepfer, Jr.
Robert B. Routhier, Jr.
Robert H. Folk III
Robert W. Schumacher
Roy Belser
Russell L. Falk
Scott C. Howell
Scott C. Reaves
Screven County Forester
Seth Hawkins
Skip Steed
South Bryan County Forester
Southern Forestry Consultants
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
Southern Group of State Foresters
Stephen R. Logan
Steve Davis
Susan Granbery
The Longleaf Alliance
Thomas Brantley
Timberland Resource Services, Inc.
Tony Hernandez
Travis Hill
Tree Protection Supply
Tyler H. Verdery
Wiregrass Ecological Associates
Woodland Vegetation Management
Aerial Specialists, Inc.
Brush Clearing Services, LLC
Burns Timber Inc
Celtic Tree Service Macon
Collum's Lumber Products
Exley Lumber Company
Forest Investment Associates
Miller Timber Company
Moss Land and Forestry Services
Richmond Nell Consulting
Sands Logging
The Price Companies, Inc.
Thomas Neidlinger Logging Inc
Tom Tomlinson
Tutt Land Company
Georgia’s Forests – 5 Year Report
Small Farms and Woodlots
Geospatial Data Gateway
Forest Products Laboratory
Southern Wildlife at Risk - Family Forest Owners Offer a Solution
Trees and Forests - America's Critical Green Infrastructure
Who Owns America's Trees, Woods, and Forests?
Managing for Bees
Working Lands For Wildlife
Landscape Management Plan for Georgia
Standards for Forest Stewardship Plans and Renewals
Georgia Landowner’s Guide To Conservation Resources
Georgia’s Best Management Practices for Forestry
My Land Plan
Developing a Forest Stewardship Plan - The key to forest management
High Grade Harvesting - Understand the impacts, know your options
Caring for Your Forest With a Forest Stewardship Plan
Where Is the Carbon? Carbon Sequestration Potential from Private Forestland in the Southern United States
CP 33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds
Bobwhite Quail Biology and Management
Surveys of the Logging Contractor Population – 8 Southern States and Maine
Atlantic White Cedar, Regenerating a globally threatened forest ecosystem
Bioenergy from Wood and Forest Carbon Dynamics
Ecology and Management of Bark Beetles (Coleoptera - Curculionidae - Scolytinae) in Southern Pine Forests
Protecting your forest asset - managing risks in changing times
Southern Forest Resource Assessment Highlights - The Southern Timber Market to 2040
Conservation buffers - wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems
Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33, Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds
Six Basic Smoke Management Practices for Prescribed Burning
Longleaf Pine Regeneration
Intensive Pine Straw Management on Post CRP Pine Stands
Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians And Reptiles of the Southeastern United States
Sustainable Forests Roundtable
Family-Owned Forests: How To Unlock The Carbon Potential In America's Backyard
FY2017 Longleaf Pine Strategy
Don’t Move Firewood
Nontimber Forest Product Resources for Small Forestland Owners and Businesses
Find a National Forest in the South
Get Up-to-Date Tax Information on Forestland and Timber Issues
Forest* A *Syst
Best Tree Finder
Safe Harbor - Helping Landowners Help Endangered Species
Everything You Know About Timber Harvest is Probably Wrong
Estate Planning for Forest Landowners - What Will Become of Your Timberland?
2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Do you have a plan for your family forest?
Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities - A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems, and Community Development
REITs and Timber Taxation
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative 2012 Annual Report
Federal Income Tax on Timber - A Quick Guide For Woodland Owners
Income Tax Deduction fo Timber Casualty Loss
Forest to Faucet - Why National Forests Are More Than Recreational Spaces
Under Cover - Wildlife of Shrublands and Young Forest
The Challenge of Maintaining Working Forests in 21st Century America
An American Land Ethic - Protecting the Family Farm
Unlocking the Economic Potential of Your Woodlot
Natural Resources Credit Trading Reference
Payments for Forest Carbon
A User Guide to the Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program
Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet
Forest Loss on the Rebound - Sustaining Investments for America's Natural Resource Future
Developing Wildlife-Friendly Pine Plantations
Using Conservation Easements to Protect Working Forests
The Importance of Land Trusts to Forestry
Smallholder agroforestry plots may boost tree conservation - Report
Working Trees for Agriculture
Regenerating Hardwood Forests
Southeast Region Risk Analysis Report
Fire in the South 2
Fire in the South 1
Aaron Duncan
Alex Klein
Arbor-Tek Tree Service
Casey N. Johnson
Charles A. Malphrus
Chris Gerards
Daniel Allen
Dennis M. Goldbaugh
Gregory S. Jackson
International Society of Arboriculture Southern Chapter
Jeral D. Pope
Jerry Holcomb
Jessica L. Perry
Joe Roberts
Josie Spagnolo
Kenneth Tootle
L. Dean McCraw
Lawrence A. Jones
Longwater Tree Service & Land Management
Mark A. McClellan
Michael Pavlis
Nicolas J. Montalto
Paul Kurilla
Richard Sito
Robert A. Seamans Jr.
Roger D. Ditmer
Scott C. DeArmey
Shannon Baughman
Shawn Diddie
Shem Kendrick
Steven E. Austin
William J. Corcelius
William J. Haws
William T. Buckley
ACRE Investment Management, LLC
American Carbon Registry
Aurora Sustainable Lands
Bio-Logical Capital
Blue Source
Bradley Raffle
Brandon Smith
Chestnut Carbon Solutions
Climate Action Reserve
Conservation Plus
Cori Gavin
Ecosystem Investment Partners
Ecosystem Marketplace
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
Environmental Services, Inc.
EP Carbon
Family Forest Carbon Program
Finite Carbon
Forest Carbon Fund
Forest Carbon Works
Forest Trends
Grassroots Carbon
Green Assets, Inc
Indigo Ag
Locus Agricultural Solutions
Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
Nori LLC
Seth Yoho
Soil Value Exchange, PBLLC
TerraCarbon LLC
The Climate Trust
Conservation Tax Credit Transfer, LLC
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
Ecological Restoration Business Association
Unique Places Conservation
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants
Fish Passage Program - Southeast Region
Georgia Red-cockaded Woodpecker Safe Harbor Program
Habitat Conservation Plans
MultiState Conservation Grant Program
National Fish Passage Program
Nationwide Candidate Conservation Agreement for Monarch Butterfly on Energy and Transportation Lands
Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants Program
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Standard Grants Program
Partners For Fish And Wildlife Program - National
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in Georgia
Safe Harbor Agreements
South Carolina Coastal Program
Southeast Coastal Program
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Program
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program
Working Lands for Wildlife
Georgia Forestry Foundation
Rans Thomas
Bulloch County Farm Service Agency
Screven County Farm Service Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Christopher Warren
Edmond G. Eslava, III, MAI, SRA, ASA
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Georgia Environmental Finance Authority
Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Georgia Grown - Georgia Department of Agriculture
Georgia NRCS State Office
Georgia Structural Pest Section
Georgia Water Planning
Monarch Conservation Science Partnership
National Invasive Species Council
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRCS National Water Quality Initiative
Sherryl Coker
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
State and Private Forestry
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service
US Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA Rural Development - Georgia
White's Creek Lake Campground
Adam Joseph Wittenstein
Andrea Lee Rimer
Andrew M. Thompson
Angela Jean Levin
Anne Mackay Cook
Anthony DeWayne Threatts
Arthur H. Domby
Benjamin Scott Lowenthal
Brian Adams
Brian Anthony Remler
Byron Wight Kirkpatrick
C Max Zygmont
C-K Associates, Inc
Carroll Wade McGuffey III
Casey Fernung Bradford
Cassie Derice Preston
Catherine D. Little
Charles Adams Perry
Charles H. Tisdale Jr.
Charles S. Conerly
Christina B. Rissler
Christine M. Morgan
Christopher Glenn Sawyer
Collier West McKenzie
Conservation Law Center
Daniel R. McKeithen
Daniel S. Reinhardt
Darren Guy Meadows
David M Meezan
David W. Cone
Deborah Jean Barrow
Douglas A. Henderson
Douglas E Cloud
E Peyton Nunez
E. Fitzgerald Veira
Earl Daniel Smith Jr.
Edwin Stuart Schwartz
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Eric R. Fenichel
Esra Abdulrahman Radai
Gabriel Stewart Ridley
George Leotis Lott
Gilbert Broughton Rogers
Greg Blount
H. Edward Hales
Hallie Meushaw
Helen J Barnes
Hollister Anne Hill
Jacqueline O Eisermann
Jasmyn LeAnn Jackson
Jason Samuel Lichtstein
Jennifer A Simon
Jeremy Hall Akin
Jessica A. Rissmiller
Joe Edward Mathews Jr.
Joel Russell
John Andrew Eunice
John C Allen
John Francis Callahan
John Henry Grady III
John L. Fortuna
John Michael Childers
John S. Myers
John Sawyer
John Thomas Van Gessel
JohnDavid Howard
Jonathan E Wells
Jordan Rebecca Parks
Joshua David Marks
Judson Herben Turner
Karlie Clemons Webb
Kevin A. Thomas
Kimberley J Hale
L. Clayton Smith Jr.
Laura Ann Williams
Laura Benz
Leah Jane Knowlton
Lewis B. Jones
Linwood Robert Lovett
Logan Conrad Stone
M. Hill Jeffries
Mackenzie K. Heller
Martin Arthur Shelton
Michael Feldmon Brown
Michael Patrick McShane
Nicholas Helms Howell
Nick Cramer
Patricia T. Barmeyer
Paulette Jean Hurteau
Peter A. Fozzard
Peter Andrew Watson
Phillip E. Hoover
R. Alex Brown
Randall J. Butterfield (Randy)
Randy Bampfield
Randy E. Brogdon
Richard A Horder
Richard Louis Pepper
Robert D Mowrey
Robert Hutton Brown III
Robert Nelson Glaze
Robert Thomas Denney
Ron D. Talley
Scott Wright
Shannon Nicole Vreeland
Shelly Ellerhorst
Southern Environmental Law Center
Stephen Benjamin Combs
Stephen E. O'Day
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Stephen Kyle McDonald
Thomas C. Herman
Thomas Frank England
Trent Myers
Victor P. Haley
Victoria Ashley Shattles
Virginia Barrow Harman
Virginia E. Worthy
W Scott Laseter
William Joseph Sheppard
William Paul Fryer
William W. Dreyfoos
Brunswick Service Center
Richmond Hill Service Center
Springfield Service Center
Statesboro Service Center
Sylvania Service Center
HydroTerra Conservation Management
Resource and Land Consultants
Restore America's Estuaries
Society for Range Management
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Stacy Mote
Wildland Services, LLC
Almost Eden
Appalachian Plant Materials Center
Applewood Seed Company
ArborGen Bellville Nursery
Arrowhead Seed Orchard
ATL Urban Farms
Bell Brothers Inc
Bell Brothers, Inc.
Brooksville Plant Materials Center
Buy Rare Seeds
Carters Nursery
Clearwater Seeds
Clifton Forest & Appraisal Service Inc
Conservation Blueprint
Dixie Green, Inc.
Elberta Forest Tree Nursery
Evergreen Landscape Nursery
Fast Growing Trees
Flint River Nursery
Forestate Growers
Georgia Agricultural Inputs Division
Georgia Crop Improvement Association
Georgia Vines
Goodness Grows Inc
Green Point AG
Heritage Flower Farm
Holland Wildflower Farm
IFCO Seedlings
Itasca Ladyslipper Farm
Jackson Branch Farm
Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center
John Deere Landscapes
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Joyful Butterfly
K & L Forest Nursery, Inc.
Live Monarch Foundation
LTF Greenhouses, LLC
Mathis & Sons Tree Farm
McKay Nursery Company
Meeks' Farm & Nursery Inc
Mesa Garden
Mobjack Nurseries, Inc.
Monrovia Nursery Company
Native Forest Nursery
Natural Communities Native Plants
Nearly Native Nursery
Randy's Perennials & Water Gardens
Rayonier Inc
Rocky Creek Nurseries, Inc.
Rutland Forest Nursery
Southern Roots Tree Nursery
Spring Hill Nurseries
The Right Seed
Whitfield Farms & Nursery
Wildflower Farm
Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership
Bobwhite Quail Initiative
Coastal Non-point Source Program
Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
Fields & Forests Program
Georgia Coastal Management Program
Georgia Conservation Tax Credit Program
Georgia Fishing Tackle Loaner Program
Georgia Forest Stewardship Program
Georgia Grown
Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program
Georgia Pesticides Department
Georgia Private Lands Program
Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Cost Share Program
Georgia Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program
National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative
Whitewater to Bluewater Project
Arbor Day Foundation
Chief River Nursery Company
Eller & Sons Trees, Inc.
Go Native Tree Farm
Reboot Reforestation, LLC
Southern Mississippi Trading
Williams Forestry & Associates LLC
Carolyn Pike
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center
Forest Legacy Program
Forest Stewardship Program (FSP)
Forests and Rangelands
Jeremiah R Pinto
Southern Research Station, USDA-US Forest Service
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
Bob Sargent
Dr. Tina Johannsen
Georgia Bight Shorebird Conservation Initiative
Georgia Wildlife Federation
Jon Ambrose
Linda May
Mark Bailey
Mark W. Thomas
Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Southern Conservation Partners
Southern Conservation Trust
St. Simons Island Sea Turtle Project
Ted Will
The Environmental Resources Network
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