John Sawyer Updated:04/2017

Jack Sawyer is a member of the firm’s Wealth Planning and Exempt Organizations Groups. He focuses on estate and tax planning, including conservation easements and asset protection, estate administration, fiduciary and tax litigation, and exempt organizations. In the tax-exempt arena, he works with a variety of organizations, from private foundations to multi-hospital health care systems. He has been quoted in Forbes, Fortune and Georgia Trend as an expert on estate planning, and in Modern Healthcare as an expert on exempt organizations, and was selected by Worth Magazine as a "Top 100" wealth planning attorney. Jack is a Fellow of The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and is profiled in The Best Lawyers in America and Super Lawyers magazine.

Jack lectures frequently on estate planning, planned giving, conservation easements and tax-exempt organizations, and has spoken at the Land Trust Alliance National Rally, The LEI National CLE Conference, The American Health Lawyers Association National Tax Conference, The National Committee on Planned Giving Annual Conference, The Planned Giving Council of New England, The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable and the South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations. His articles have appeared in The Exempt Organization Tax Review, The Journal of Taxation of Exempt Organizations, and Estate Planning. He has authored the legal advice column for the Southeastern Council of Foundations monthly newsletter, and has contributed articles on planned giving to many other charitable organizations’ newsletters.

Contact John Sawyer


Contact John Sawyer

Alston & Bird LLP
1201 W Peachtree St NW
Ste 4200 One Atlantic Center
Atlanta, GA  30309
Phone: (404)881-7886

Service Area

Statewide service provider in:
  • Georgia