Weed / Invasives Management Professionals serving Georgia
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
Dr. Susan Pasko - Executive Secretary, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Falls Church, VA
Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health
Chuck Bargeron - Director - Tifton, GA
Coastal Georgia Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area
Eamonn Leonard - Coordinator of CoGA CISMA - Brunswick, GA
Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forests Insects and Diseases
- Sheffield, MA
Douglas Booher
Southern Research Station - Research Entomologist - Athens, GA
Emilee Poole
Southern Research Station - Entomologist - Athens, GA
Florida Association of Native Nurseries
- Melbourne , FL
Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council
- Tifton, GA
Maximized Water Management LLC
William (Bill) Fuchs - Owner - Chester, ID
Michael Ulyshen
Southern Research Station - Research Entomologist - Athens, GA
National Invasive Species Council
U.S. Department of the Interior - Washington, DC
North American Invasive Species Management Association
- Milwaukee, WI
North American Invasive Species Network
- Gainesville, FL
Northeast Georgia Invasive Plant Cooperative
- Athens, GA
Peter W. NeSmith
Water & Air Research, Inc - Plant Ecologist/Botanist - Gainesville, FL
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Woodland Vegetation Management
Daniel Reynolds - Farmville, NC